Like so many people in the Netherlands my kids are obsessed with the soccer stickers that you get with the groceries at Albert Heijn. For a couple of weeks we thought we could skip this "collecting-circus" since my kids unfortunately aren't that much into soccer. The only team that they really know is Ajax (yeah I raise them well). But that's all in the past now, cause at this point they know quite a bit about our Dutch teams. Grandma and grandpa brought them their book and the first packages with stickers about 2 weeks ago and ever since than Kylian didn't put the book aside. He carries it with him all the time, goes through it from the first page to the last and back, he comes with little bits of soccer facts since he knows how to read since this year or else he will make his sister read for him. If we let him, he would even take the book to bed with him. See, it's so strange to see him getting all excited about something as normally it doesn't "get to" him (we think it's basically because of his autism). He just can't let it go now, I bet ya he even dreams about them. And Kelsey well she just goes with the flow, she is the collector in this house. I don't know where she has it from ..... LOL do you believe that for one second!? Anyway, what does a loving mother in this case ..... yes she helps them where she can to complete their collection so I got in touch with a few more "help them collecting moms" and that's why the kids had 4 envelopes full of stickers for their book. And if that wasn't enough already my mom told me that she had 14 packages at their home for the kids, so dad was send out to go and get them right away. After Kelsey came home from gymastics classes they put them in their book. They don't have the book complete yet, but we're on the right track. They were a little happier than usual today, and whenever they are happy, than I am too.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Obsessed with soccer stickers.
Net als zo velen in Nederland zijn ook mijn kinderen op het moment helemaal in de ban van de voetbal stickertjes van de Albert Heijn. Een paar weken lang hebben wij gedacht dat we deze aktie een keer konden overslaan, mijn kinderen zijn immers helaas niet echte voetballiefhebbers. Het enige team dat ze tot nu kenden is Ajax (ja ik voed ze goed op he!?). Afijn ..... ik zei dus kenden, want inmiddels weten ze van alles over onze Nederlandse teams. Opa en oma brachten het boek en de eerste stickertjes een kleine 2 weken terug bij ons in huis en sindsdien heeft Kylian het eigenlijk niet meer los gelaten. Het jochie sleept de hele dag dat boekje door het huis, bladert continue door het boekjevan voor naar achter en weer terug, komt met allerlei weetjes - want tegenwoordig kan hij zelf lezen of hij laat zijn zus er uit "voorlezen". Hij neemt het boek het liefste nog mee naar bed. We vinden dit zo gek want normaal gesproken gaat "vermoedelijk" door zijn autisme toch veel langs hem heen en/of prikkelt het hem niet genoeg, maar dit dus echt wel. Hij laat het niet los in zijn bolletje. En zijn zus, de pakrat die doet gewoon lekker met hem mee, zij spaart altijd alles wat los en vast zit. Hihihi ik weet niet van wie ze het heeft ..... echt niet. Geloven jullie het!? Tja wat doe je dan als liefhebbende moeder, ..... juist je schaart je volledig achter de kindjes en doet wat je kunt om je kindjes hun verzameling compleet te maken. Zo heb ik dus al met diverse moeders de dubbelen van onze kindjes geruild en hadden de kinderen vandaag een verschrikkelijk leuke verrassing. Er lagen 4 envelopjes met stickertjes die ze nog niet hadden op hun te wachten. En alsof dat al niet genoeg was vertelde oma dat zij ook nog 14 pakjes had liggen. Papa moest die natuurlijk meteen gaan halen. En nadat Kelsey van turnen terug kwam hebben ze alles samen zitten bekijken en in zitten plakken. Ze zijn er nog even niet, maar zijn wel weer een stapje dichter bij een vol boek. Zij zijn vandaag gewoon weer een beetje gelukkiger, en zij zij gelukkig, dan ben ik dat ook :)
Like so many people in the Netherlands my kids are obsessed with the soccer stickers that you get with the groceries at Albert Heijn. For a couple of weeks we thought we could skip this "collecting-circus" since my kids unfortunately aren't that much into soccer. The only team that they really know is Ajax (yeah I raise them well). But that's all in the past now, cause at this point they know quite a bit about our Dutch teams. Grandma and grandpa brought them their book and the first packages with stickers about 2 weeks ago and ever since than Kylian didn't put the book aside. He carries it with him all the time, goes through it from the first page to the last and back, he comes with little bits of soccer facts since he knows how to read since this year or else he will make his sister read for him. If we let him, he would even take the book to bed with him. See, it's so strange to see him getting all excited about something as normally it doesn't "get to" him (we think it's basically because of his autism). He just can't let it go now, I bet ya he even dreams about them. And Kelsey well she just goes with the flow, she is the collector in this house. I don't know where she has it from ..... LOL do you believe that for one second!? Anyway, what does a loving mother in this case ..... yes she helps them where she can to complete their collection so I got in touch with a few more "help them collecting moms" and that's why the kids had 4 envelopes full of stickers for their book. And if that wasn't enough already my mom told me that she had 14 packages at their home for the kids, so dad was send out to go and get them right away. After Kelsey came home from gymastics classes they put them in their book. They don't have the book complete yet, but we're on the right track. They were a little happier than usual today, and whenever they are happy, than I am too.

Like so many people in the Netherlands my kids are obsessed with the soccer stickers that you get with the groceries at Albert Heijn. For a couple of weeks we thought we could skip this "collecting-circus" since my kids unfortunately aren't that much into soccer. The only team that they really know is Ajax (yeah I raise them well). But that's all in the past now, cause at this point they know quite a bit about our Dutch teams. Grandma and grandpa brought them their book and the first packages with stickers about 2 weeks ago and ever since than Kylian didn't put the book aside. He carries it with him all the time, goes through it from the first page to the last and back, he comes with little bits of soccer facts since he knows how to read since this year or else he will make his sister read for him. If we let him, he would even take the book to bed with him. See, it's so strange to see him getting all excited about something as normally it doesn't "get to" him (we think it's basically because of his autism). He just can't let it go now, I bet ya he even dreams about them. And Kelsey well she just goes with the flow, she is the collector in this house. I don't know where she has it from ..... LOL do you believe that for one second!? Anyway, what does a loving mother in this case ..... yes she helps them where she can to complete their collection so I got in touch with a few more "help them collecting moms" and that's why the kids had 4 envelopes full of stickers for their book. And if that wasn't enough already my mom told me that she had 14 packages at their home for the kids, so dad was send out to go and get them right away. After Kelsey came home from gymastics classes they put them in their book. They don't have the book complete yet, but we're on the right track. They were a little happier than usual today, and whenever they are happy, than I am too.
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You have to love what kids love, right??? Mine are like that when new mcdonald's toys come out. please don't ask me why, as they don't play with them for more then a week, at most, but, still, it's what they love. LOL.
The sticker phase we went through too! Now thank goodness it is done!
Peggy, wat leuk om de gezichtjes van je kinderen te zien. Ik vermoedde al dat de plaatjes meer dan welkom waren, maar nu heb ik er ook een beeld bij. Ik zal vanmiddag je blog even aan Justin laten zien.
Jullie plaatjes waren ook meer dan welkom. Hij stond te dansen in de kamer!! Wat zijn we toch lieve moeders he.....(hihihi). Zoals je zegt: zij gelukkig, wij gelukkig.
Oowww.. they must have been so excited to see these envelopes!!! (guess what? there's another one on its way to them at this right moment..hehe). XOXO
Heerlijk zoals kinderen op kunnen gaan in een verzameling en dan binnen de korste keren er ook zoveel van weten. Heb het hier ook zien gebeuren met Pokémon, YuGiOh enz.
Prachtig zoals je foto's de concentratie van het stel weergeeft.
Oooh enig toch, die blije gezichtjes van de kids!! Kan me voorstellen dat ze helemaal door het dolle waren met al die vloppen en plaatjes!
Nog veel kijk- en speelplezier!
jeeeetje wat leuk!!
zooo jammer dat ik niet bij appie kom :(
waarom niet:)
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