Rond kwart voor 2 ben ik ook naar het park gegaan waar zij gingen schaatsen en laat ik toch net op tijd zijn om haar binnen te zien komen voor haar eerste rondje. Sommigen waren aan het stoeven over de 4 rondjes die zij al hadden gereden, maar dat kon haar pret niet drukken. Ze vond het ontzettend leuk (ook al was ze al 1x gevallen) en vroeg of ik wilde blijven wachten tot ze helemaal klaar was (nou ja dat was ik toch al van plan, zomaar weet je voor het geval dat ...). Ze hadden een soort van een stempelkaart gekregen waarmee ze een alternatieve 11 stedentocht reden (een 11 rondjes tocht). Uiteindelijk ben ik gebleven tot het einde (ruim anderhalf uur) maar wat had ik het koud zeg, ik was totaal bevroren. Mijn tenen waren gevoelloos. Was ook erg blij dat Ad er net aan kwam om ook een kijkje te nemen, kon hij mooi mijn fiets in de achterbak van de auto leggen en mij meenemen ;)
Tuurlijk heb ik ook een paar leuke foto's genomen, en ik kan niet wachten om er mee te gaan scrappen. Al zal dat moeten wachten tot volgende week want ik heb nog een waslijst aan punten die ik eerst moet afwerken.
Wednesday afternoon Kelsey came home from school and told me that on Fridayafternoon they would go iceskating with school. If I could go out shopping and get her a pair of iceskates. She already mentioned the iceskating earlier in the week but she wasn't sure yet if it was really going to happen so I had high hopes it would fall through but unfortunately it didn't. She didn't go iceskating before (well how could she since it's the first time in her life that she could iceskate on the pond we have here). And well, the 2 times that she went iceskating happened on a birthdayparty and she had to learn it behind a little rack, so I can't call that iceskating. So needless to say I was really worried for her, therefor I was happy I could change her mind and told her to go on the ice with her shoes on instead. But on Fridaymorning she came to me with the saddest face ever and asked me to please reconsider and get her the iceskates anyway since all the other girls in her class had iceskates too. Well to make a long story short I fell for it and went out shopping with my mom. Any idea how difficult it is to get iceskates right now? It was quite the task, but after a whole lot of stores we found not only a pair in the right size for Kelsey but also for Kylian and those were the last ones they had too. We were so lucky! The smile on her (and later Kylian's) face was worth it, it made me think of that Mastercard commercial were a parent spend a whole lot of money to see a smile on his kids face, priceless. Well that was the same thing here, that and the fact that she better should go iceskating for as long as it's possible, just to make my effort worth it ;)
A little after Kelsey went to school I went to the park were they would go iceskating and I was right in time to see her coming in after her first round. Some of the kids were showing off about the 4th round that they did but Kelsey couldn't care less. She loved it and asked me if I could stay till after she did all of the 11 rounds that she was supposed to do. I stayed with her until she went back to school but oh boy did I regret that. I was freezing cold and couldn't feel my toes anymore. I couldn't be more happy to see Ad who stopped by to see if she was still iceskating and asked him to put my bike in the back of the car and take me home with him.
Here are some pictures that I took and I can't wait to scrap them.
Hallo Peggy, ik bezoek voor het eerst je nieuwe blog. Het ziet er goed uit! Leuk je foto's van je dochter op de schaatsen. Vooral de bovenste. Hoe is het met je LO ( van onze bijeenkomst)?
Heb je hem afgemaakt?
Groetjes, Angèle
Glad you found the skates! She is adorable!!!
Wooww.. so happy you were able to find skates for Kelsey!! I bet she had so much fun skating with her friends... she's one lucky girlie to have a mommy taking such gorgeous pictures!!! XOXO
Oh, wat geweldig zeg!! Kan het me helemaal voorstellen en inderdaad.....daar doe je het allemaal voor!
Mooie foto's heb je gemaakt Peggy, dat wordt weer lekker scrappen binnenkort!
Fijn weekend meis!
What a great pictures Peggy!! Can't wait to see your layouts with's gonna be a nice colorcombo!!!
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